CVCA #2: The CVCA Step-by-Step

Language: English
Level: Advanced
Duration: 45 minutes

Climate vulnerability assessment is a key good practice used to develop and implement successful adaptation policies, plans or programs, as well as integrate climate change into sectoral/territorial policies and plans. 

CARE developed a series of 3 short courses that focus on the tool CARE staff use for those assessments: the Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) tool. CARE’s CVCA tool gathers and analyzes information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change. The 3 courses proposed are: 

CVCA #1 - The Basics of CVCA (Click here to access it)

CVCA #2 - The CVCA Step-by-Step (this course)

CVCA#3 - CVCA and Gender Equality (to be released soon)

We recommend you to take them in the proposed order.



The 7 Steps of the CVCA: An Overview

The 7 Steps of the CVCA: Detailed Breakdown

Case-study: Successful Use of CVCA by CARE Ethiopia GRAD Project

Final Quiz

Thank You and Resources

At the end of this course on the different steps of the CVCA process, you will be able to :

  • describe the different steps to follow for the CVCA process and list the outputs obtained at the end of each step
  • use the lessons learnt from others to apply the CVCA in your own context.

197 subscribers



Expected time to complete the course : 45 min