CVCA #1 – The Basics of Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis

Language: English
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 45 minutes

Climate vulnerability assessment is a key good practice used to develop and implement successful adaptation policies, plans or programs, as well as integrate climate change into sectoral/territorial policies and plans.

CARE developed a series of 3 short courses courses that focus on the tool that CARE staff use for those assessments : the Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) tool. CARE’s CVCA tool gathers and analyzes information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change. The 3 courses proposed are :

CVCA #1 - The Basics of CVCA (this course)

CVCA #2 - The CVCA Step-by-Step

CVCA#3 - CVCA and Gender Equality (to be released soon)

We recommend you to take them in the proposed order.


Section 0

The Importance of Participatory Approaches to Vulnerability Assessment

CVCA in a Nutshell

CVCA Analytical Framework

CVCA 2.0 Added Value

Final Quiz

Thank you and Resources

In this first course on the basics of CVCA, you will get a better understanding of:

  • the importance of participatory vulnerability analysis processes
  • the process proposed in the CVCA handbook 
  • the objectives and uses of the CVCA
  • the added value of the CVCA compared to other climate vulnerability assessment tools
  • the main changes brought to the 2nd edition published in 2019.

CVCA #1 – The Basics of Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis

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