GCF #2: Developing and Implementing GCF Funding Proposals

Language: English
Level: Beginner
Duration: 1 hour

This course was developed with financial support from the German Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) based on a decision by the German Bundestag, as part of the project “GCF CSO Readiness – focus Africa – Phase II” under the International Climate Initiative (IKI).

The Green Climate Fund is the largest fund dedicated to climate action in developing countries. The proposal and approval processes are rigorous. Because of the urgency of climate change and the strict investment framework of the Fund, it is important to submit funding proposals as correctly as possible. This course details the development phase of the GCF so practitioners can learn to prepare proposals that are aligned with the GCF's requirements.



Deep dive into GCF Criteria and Potential Indicators

The GCF gender policy and gender integration in project proposals

Steps of Proposal Submission and the Approval Process

GCF Financial Instruments

GCF Access Windows and CSO Engagement

Final Quiz

Thank you and Donation

In this second course on the Green Climate Fund, you will gain a better understanding of:

  • The particular aspects of GCF project proposals and how to develop GCF acceptable proposals against GCF investment criteria.
  • Key considerations when developing and implementing GCF projects.
  • How to integrate gender in GCF project proposals.
  • The role of CSOs in accessing the GCF and project design.

99 subscribers



Expected level to complete the course: Beginner

Expected time to complete the course: 1 hour